Key Areas for Treatment — echo reduction
Creating a Serene Yoga Studio: The Benefits of Acoustic Panels and Soundproofing

Creating a serene yoga studio environment is essential for fostering focus, relaxation, and a deep connection with the practice. Acoustic panels and soundproofing solutions play a critical role in achieving this tranquility by reducing external noise, enhancing sound quality, and adding aesthetic appeal. At, you'll find a range of products—such as Signature Wall Panels, EchoFelt+ Panels, and Wood Slat Acoustic Panels—that are designed to transform your yoga space into a peaceful sanctuary. Explore these options to create the perfect atmosphere for your studio.
- Tags: echo reduction, meditation, noise reduction, sanctuary, sound, sound control, soundproofing, yoga
Churches and Houses of Worship

- Tags: acoustic baffle, acoustic panel, cathedral, chapel, church, churches, echo reduction, event space, meditation, mosques, noise reduction, prayer, sanctuary, spiritual, synagogue, temple
Education Sector: Schools and Institutions

- Tags: acoustic baffle, acoustic panel, college, echo reduction, education, noise reduction, school, university
Hair Salons and Spas

Enjoying a hair cut or spa day is one of life's simple luxuries. Getting a headache due to the loud echo in the space, or having to shout at your hairdresser you can clearly be heard is not acceptable. Many salons and spas are located in commercial spaces with high ceilings and many reflective surfaces (wood, glass, metal, etc.). This creates the perfect recipe for a highly reverberant (echoey) space. Because many salons and spas have high ceilings, acoustic ceiling baffles are a welcome addition to the space and cost effectively help improve the acoustics. If additional treatment is required,...
Golf Courses and Country Clubs

- Tags: acoustic baffle, acoustic panel, clubhouse, country club, echo reduction, event space, golf, noise reduction